Data Analytics Certificate | Business & Industry Certificates | Butler Community College

Business & Industry Certificates

Data Analytics Certificate

Who Benefits

This 16-week, online certificate is designed for working adults who desire a deeper knowledge of the world of data. You’ll learn how to organize and interpret data for actionable business decisions. You’ll also learn how to present data and visualize data analytics for clarity in communications. You’ll understand the power of data analytics tools and gain experience with Tableau, the leading analytics platform choice for modern business intelligence.

Professionals in a variety of industries can benefit from this special skill set, i.e. business, accounting, marketing, management, finance and many more.   


The Data Analytics Certificate is 15 credit hours and is offered only online. You will complete your first 2 courses simultaneously in the first 8-weeks of the semester. You will then take an 8-week course along with one four-week course followed by your last four-week course. This certificate is offered in both the fall and spring semesters.

Learning Online

This course is a traditional online class meaning you can login and complete the work on your schedule. You will have required readings, assignments and class discussion boards. It’s important to remember your instructor is only a text, call or email away. You’ll quickly get familiar with CANVAS, Butler’s online classroom platform. And, whenever you have a question – ask it! There’s always someone here to assist you.  

Contact Information

Janice Akao
Department Chair
Office: BOE 804A

First 8 Weeks: 6 Credit Hours

Second 8 Weeks: 9 Credit hours

Total Credit Hours: 15