Butler Students Place First in National Stock Market Game | Butler Community College

Butler Students Place First in National Stock Market Game

Butler students hold their PBL stock market awards.
Published: Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

Four Butler students won the 2018 PBL Fall National Stock Market Game competition. By investing wisely, these students beat all other student investors.

The Butler Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) team placed first in the 2018 Fall National Stock Market Game competition. Andre Davis of Junction City; Ian Kissell of El Dorado; Grant Pritz of Wichita and Kenyatta Nyirenda of Blantyre, Malawi all participated during the Sept. 8 – Dec. 14 competition. Noreen Templin, Economics Department Chair, instructed and guided the team to their success.

Butler’s team was given a hypothetical $100,000 to invest into the stock market. The goal of the competition is to end with the best investments of all the schools. Due to the market downfall in the fourth quarter of 2018, Butler’s team won due to them losing the least amount of money, ending with approximately $99,600. American Express, ExxonMobil, Disney and Costco were some of the businesses in which they invested.

Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc is the largest career student business organization in the world in which Butler’s chapter holds numerous awards in national competitions.