Butler Community College Students Complete Kansas Collegiate Law Enforcement Academy

Six Butler Community College Students Complete Kansas Collegiate Law Enforcement Academy
Criminal Justice students Trevor Hudson, Tristan Voran, Alex Gregerson, Courtney Standrich, Evan Carpenter, and Austin Byars were six of 25 college students from across Kansas to complete the Kansas Collegiate Law Enforcement Academy May 14-17, 2017.
The Academy is hosted by the Kansas Highway Patrol at their training facility in Salina.
Criminal justice students from community colleges and universities across the state apply for this prestigious program. The Academy program offers students the exclusive opportunity to experience academy life before entering a career in law enforcement.
Students are selected on the basis of their academic history, level of participation in their college’s criminal justice programs, and commitment to a career in law enforcement through submission of an application packet.
Participants go through some of the same training that recruits in the KHP Academy go through, such as team-building, physical training, situational awareness, search and seizure, police ethics, investigative skills, evidence recognition and defensive tactics. They also perform practical exercises that take them through the firearms range course, felony car stops and the emergency vehicle operations course.
“This is the twelfth consecutive year that one or more of our students have participated in the Academy,” said Miles Erpelding, criminal justice lead professor and Kansas Law Enforcement Academy sponsor. “It is a great honor to be selected. This academy serves as an excellent opportunity to increase the student’s interest in criminal justice and the law enforcement field.”
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