Butler’s Nursing Program Celebrates Graduates

Butler Community College celebrated the graduation of 63 nurses from Butler’s nursing program with an annual nurses pinning event on May 10. This is the nursing program’s 51st anniversary.
As the ceremony was about to begin, a child yelled, “Momma,” and waved to all the graduates as they promenaded into the gym on the Butler Community College El Dorado campus. Graduates span a large age range. Their life experience is varied, but their compassion and steadfastness are similar.
“Butler’s nursing program has prepared you well, but never stop learning,” said Anita Mills, Dean of Health, Education and Public Service. “Never accept status quo.”
Mills told the graduates and their families that the nursing program is as strong as it is today because of the many faculty, students and administrators who have gone before them. Mills also commended nursing faculty members Donna Adams-Zimmerman and Denise Lakous on their retirements, commending them on their combined 60 years of service to nursing education and Butler students.
Butler Community College President Kimberly Krull, Ph.D., told the crowd of graduates how proud she was of their hard work and fortitude.
“You have achieved a huge milestone,” Krull said. “Thank you for your selfless commitment to a tremendous profession.”
Shelby Rawlings Downing of Andover, the student president of the nursing class, rallied the crowd when she told them that all of the 63 nursing students passed the nursing exam. Downing described her classmates as a diverse group, from fresh out of high school to grandparents. For some, she said, America is not their home country and English is not their first language.
“We all know Butler’s nursing program is a sought-after program,” Downing said. “There will be a strong purple presence (in area hospitals).”
Butler’s 2018 nursing graduates include:
Nursing Graduates
Shelby Rawlings Downing
Nikki Esparza
Emily Alexander
Carrie Arnold
Bel Air:
Krista Barrera ^
Jamie S. Black
Alice Blanton
Anne Maina Bolden
Stephanie Bonebrake
Beth Borko
El Dorado:
Rachel L. Ciapponi
Rob Cloyd
Nicole Cunningham
Sarah Erpelding
Kaitlin Davis ^
Emily Eck
Corry Eggert
Brooke Gorman
Rachel Habiger
Jordan Hamed
Sydney Harder
Rose Hill:
Lindsey Hecht
Leah Hobbs #
Erin Hunt ^#
Rebecca Isenbart
Douglas A. Jarman
Melissa Johnson
Victoria Lank
Susie Lipke
Mindi Long #
Zsakeé Love
Angela Maina
Pauline B. Maosa
Jennifer Ann McCormack
Kelsea Miller ^#
Emma Momanyi
Briana Moore ^#
Melissa Morris
Patrick K. Muia
Hope Newcomb
Brenda Ngetich
Sarah Nosker-Merlino
Benjamin Ondieki
Tiffany Bui Pham
Julia Ann Risley
Lindsay Rochelle
Jenni Segura
Jen Serreyn ^#
April Shockley
Tabitha Slater ^#
Nikole Streit
Joktan Tanui
Sarah Thomas
William Tice
Mashun R. Tinnin
Brooklyn Tolbert
Edna Tonya
Jen Tucker
Anique Valmont
Vanessa West #
Briana M. Wildoner
Kaili Williams
Kelsie Young
^ Red Cross Award Recipient
# Mentor Recognition
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