Allied With Pride | Butler Community College

Allied With Pride

Do not hide, show your pride!


Allied with Pride is more than just a safe place, it is a community for people to come together and feel comfortable being who they are. We are focused on a community and group feeling to allow people to feel like they have a space to be themselves.

When & Where:

We meet every Wednesday at 2:30pm alternating between each campus.

Our first meeting for 2022 will be in Andover on February 9th in the Kanza room. Additional information about future meetings, locations and themes will be available in this calendar document which is updated regularly, you can also contact us below.


We encourage confused or uncomfortable people to attend with a desire to learn more about the topic and help you find yourself or be an ally. We welcome ALL people; those who are happy with their identity, people who are less happy with their identity, straight allies and anyone who wishes to get more comfortable with the topic and be part of our community.


Allied with Pride operates as a community and less of a place to hear yet another lecture. From listening to music that you identify with to open and free discussions about uncomfortable topics and questions, we strive to make Allied with Pride a less structured, freer, and more open group that lets everyone be who they want to be.


Kansas has a lot of work to do to show people that we are an inclusive place to be, by having groups like Allied with Pride we aim to show people that there is far more acceptance than intolerance in Kansas and at Butler Community College. By providing this community we hope we can help people feel more comfortable being who they are and not hide their true selves.

Get in touch!

The best way to get in touch is to join our Microsoft Teams chat. You can also message us on our Facebook page or reach out to student leader Morgan Hamlin via email at [email protected]

You can also contact our group advisor Phil Speary at [email protected]