The Lantern
The Lantern, Butler’s award-winning student-produced newspaper, gives you the opportunity to work in all aspects of newspaper design and production. The Lantern is the largest circulating community college newspaper in Kansas, with a readership of 3,000. The paper is known for its thorough coverage of campus and community news, thought-provoking op/ed page and accuracy in reporting.

The faculty adviser for the student newspaper acts as a "coach" for the students who make the decisions for the paper, including layout and design, newsworthiness of stories, photography, and column and editorial writing. You can also gain management experience by selling and designing ads, managing circulation and staying within a budget. The reward for all this work is not only scholarship but the pride of producing a well-received newspaper, transferable experience and the possibility of a part-time paid position as leader on staff.
Activity scholarships, which cover tuition (equivalent to that paid by Kansas in-county residents) and books, are available each semester for The Lantern staff. You don’t need to be a Mass Communications major to be on staff or to apply for a scholarship.
Members of The Lantern staff have claimed numerous awards for individual and group efforts from the Kansas Associated Collegiate Press. After their work at Butler, staff members have moved on to professional publications and many have transferred to four-year colleges.
For more information, contact:
Amy Chastain, Advisor
316.323.6894 (toll-free from Wichita/Metro Area)
316.323.6894 (outside Wichita/Metro Area)