Butler Celebrates Fall 2021 Nurses Pinning

59 nursing graduates earn ADN degrees
The applause and cheers erupted as the Butler Community College nurses began their processional into the gym. By the time they reached their seats tears of joy were flowing. The Pinning Ceremony is a long-standing tradition as Butler leadership again recognized 59 nursing graduates Thursday evening.
Butler Nursing is considered one of the top ranked nursing programs in the state and has a 2020 pass rate of 87.40% compared to the state average of 86.18%.
Among the 59, eight students graduated with a joint degree from Butler and the University of Kansas. These graduates earned a KU BSN and Butler ADN degree as part of a partnership between KU Nursing and Butler. The 2021 dual degree graduates include: Savannah Jones, Bely Dang, Allison Keen and Brianna Price of Wichita, Tori McGinnis of Andover, Jaiden Robert of Augusta, and Shannon Busenitz of Newton.
Through this partnership, students earn associate and bachelor’s degrees in nursing simultaneously. Students receive hands-on training at Butler while attending online instruction through the KU Nursing Program.
Juan Rivera-Pulido of Wichita was recognized by Kimberly Hubble, associate professor of nursing and Butler Student Nursing Association (BSNA) sponsor, for his service as the BSNA Chapter president.
Thursday’s ceremony included a welcome by Dr. Caleb Ediger, Butler’s associate Dean of Nursing and Allied Health, as well as greetings from Butler Board of Trustees chair, Lance Lechtenberg, Butler President Kim Krull, Ph.D., and Tom Nevill, DMA, vice president of academics. Dr. Julio Guerrero, Dean of Health, Education and Public Service, provided the benediction.
Dr. Krull expressed her gratitude to the graduates, “Daily we see the importance of the front-line work that nurses and healthcare workers provide. Those partners, and you, who are joining their ranks, are really true heroes. We thank you for your commitment to this profession.”
Krull added, “You stand on the verge of being leaders and innovators in this profession, and you bring hope and inspiration to all of us.”
Dr. Tom Nevill, addressed the graduates saying, “Tonight represents more than a tradition. Your pinning is a symbol of your hard work, your sacrifices, those who supported you and their sacrifices for you being here, and your dedication to prepare for a career; a career that will no doubt challenge you yet will reward you in ways only a nurse can understand.
“We are proud of your accomplishments, and we look forward to you sharing your stories as ambassadors for the Butler family and our community, or whatever community you’re going to go serve. Thank you for choosing Butler,” Nevill said.
Bely Dang of Wichita, second-year class president and KU graduate, also addressed her classmates.
“We all now have the power to instill laughter in a critically ill child’s life, share in the joy of a woman’s first-born child, teach a chronically ill adult ways to bring normalcy back in their lives, let that young adult know it’s okay that she hears strange voices, or simply listen to an elderly women’s recipe for the perfect oven-baked chicken even though she no longer has the strength to make it. These are the moments you cannot take for granted.”
Dang added, “We have chosen a profession in which empathy, compassion and critical thinking are essential. I’m confident each of you will use the tools which we have acquired over the past two years wisely.”
“Thank you to our professors. We cannot thank you enough for dedicating your time and efforts to help transform this once shy and timid group of nursing students into these bold and fearless nursing professionals you see tonight.”
Second-year class vice president Alison Bryant of Wichita led the graduates in reciting the International Nurses’ Pledge.
The ceremony can be viewed on Butler’s BCTV Channel 20 on Youtube.
Nursing Graduates by Hometown:
* denotes KU BSN Graduate
Hadley Morris
Angelika Colecraft-Addison, *Tori Marie McGinnis
*Jaiden Robert, Nicole Roberts, Kayleigh Serviss
Kourtnay Reed
Tessa Michelle Greiving
Kylee Guilliams
Elizabeth Marie Gillet, Tara Ross
Alicia Dirks, Sarah Leslie Hamblin
Apryl Cornell
Kimberly Ann Henning, Justin Wheeler
Hunter Harbert
Shannon Busenitz
Tara Nicole Brown, Leah Wallace
Amy Karissa, Michelle Ware
Dallas Renee Klinkner
Chloe Anderson, Alexandra Beasley, Shelby Bender, Megan Elizabeth Brashears, *Alison Bryant - 2nd Year Vice President, Tiara Lynn Burns, Michelle Classen, Justice Criswell, *Bely Dang - 2nd year President, Pamela S. Delgadillo, Kassandra Duff, Bridget Reece Dulaney, Kelli Gonzales, Alyssa Ilaine Gustafson, Keely Haire, David Henriquez, Anna Hockett, * Savannah F. Jones, *Allison Keen, Brittany Martinez, Sophie Mason, Justin Clyde Mings, Nadine Neal, Gilbert Nyanchama, Meshack Ochieng, Yazmmin Paredes-Castellanos, Jamie Lynne Peck, *Brianna Catherine Price, Juan Rivera-Pulido - BSNA President, Miriam Rodriguez, Ana I. Salgado, Nancy Seang, Sarah Yeap Thach, Mike Tuitaek, Dani Wait, Taylor Wallis, Deanna Zecchin
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